Getting into debt to pay a bill is a negative money habit. What if you can't pay off your credit card payment next month?
The issue of not having enough money for bills by payday will persist next month. Now you'll owe more to the payday loan shark.
Everyone's been there. You have purchases to make before payday next week. So you use a paycheck advance software to receive money.
Emergency situations occur frequently. Your automobile breaks down or your water heater needs replacing. Without an emergency fund, you'll probably use a credit card.
Stop treating debt as normal. Credit cards with interest rates over 20% can make it impossible to live your dream life.
Food waste is expensive. According to Feeding America, approximately 40% of all food in America is wasted.
You should not be paying a bank to keep your cash in 2023. Unfortunately, many people continue to pay banking fees. According to reports, the typical monthly maintenance price is at least $15.
Are you anti-free money? If you don't save enough, your employer probably matches your 401(k). Nearly 20% of Americans don't save enough for a workplace retirement plan match.
Late payments on bills happen to everyone, but it's a dangerous habit. Late payments attract fines and may have an impact on your credit score.